Viral Marketing Initiatives

twitter_button___logo_by_pixxiepaynee-d5sfq9uBiohazard_symbol_red.svg_While the term viral sounds a bit ominous it has become part of our cultural lexicon because the very nature of the web allows information to replicate and spread very much like a virus. A truly viral message tends to start small,patiet zero a few people “see” it on the web and share with their audience, who shares with their audience, who shares, well, and you get the picture.

A post on Instagram can circle the globe many times over in the space of hours through the vast sharing network created by social media. This process can happen organically, like the viral video, Evolution of Dance uploaded in 2006. This upload of a motivational comedian dancing to some of the most recognized hits of the last century went out to a small audience and to date is up to 294,303,546 views but this is the exception, not the rule. Out of the millions of videos, blogs, Tweets, posts, and pics posted daily only a very few reach more than a handful of people so companies tend to look for a more targeted approach to get their message to a wider audience. Companies like viral marketing campaigns because when they are successful they tend to be low budget, mobilize their loyal followers, Global Spreadand reach well beyond the audience a more traditional marketing campaign can touch.

So what is one of the key steps to going viral? Well, you have to get the right people’s attention. One very cool example is how the company Omaze is getting donations for charity. Star Wars is one of the most anticipated movies in recent years, the reforming of many of the original cast members is driving excitement among the millions of Star Wars fans. Omaze reached out to the cast of Star Wars and had them pick their favorite charities and worked with the franchise to develop a list of rewards for donations. Pretty cool right? But now they have to get the word out and keep the cost low. Omaze set up Skype calls with members of their donor list all over the world that had a few key elements in common,

  • They are Star Wars fans
  • They have a social media following
  • They have donated in the past

Once they had them on the line they started out asking a few questions about their Star Wars passion then had Harrison Ford come on the call and personally tell them about the campaign and the amazing grand prize, tickets to the premier and the opportunity to meet the cast. Not only is the campaign gaining momentum on multiple social media sites but many of the rewards levels for donations have sold out, and it all started with a few Star Wars fans! Check out the Star Wars cast charity campaign and then see Harrison Ford get the ball rolling! Globe




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